L'Ancetre Cheese
Becancour, PQ
L’Ancêtre Cheese Factory is well known as a young and dynamic company in the dairy industry. With the constant development of new organic dairy products, we are able to offer consumers a variety of high quality products. L’Ancêtre cheeses and butters are available in most health food and grocery stores across Canada.
L’Ancêtre Cheese Factory was founded in 1992 by a group of ten milk producers who had a different vision than that of the conventional agriculture: To return to traditional methods, respectful of nature and the environment. For them, it was the only way to rediscover the real, authentic, natural taste of dairy products.
However, this commitment was tempered with the knowledge that it was still important to use modern methods and technology to assure the consumers, that its products are of the highest quality and meet the most exacting standards.
The first product L’Ancetre chose to produce was organic cheddar made with organic raw milk. L’Ancetre was also the pioneer in its region of using organic raw milk in the cheese making process. In 1995, the shareholders of L’Ancêtre expanded the firm by building a cheese and dairy retail store with an attached restaurant. Since its construction, L’Ancêtre began to develop new products such as organic raw milk cheese, organic pasteurized cheese, and both salted and non-salted organic butter.
In the beginning, L’Ancêtre’s products were distributed solely to the markets in Quebec. Afterwards, the products were next distributed in Western Canada (1996), The Maritime Provinces (1999), and more recently in Ontario.