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Happy Honey Glazed Cinnamon Raisin French Toast
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2 people
  • 4 slices of cinnamon raisin bread
  • 4 eggs, slightly beaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 4 tbsp butter or light oil
  • 1 pear, cored and sliced
  • Cinnamon (as much as you like)
  • 6 tbsp honey (more if desired)

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1) In a large bowl, beat the eggs, add vanilla and milk. Add the slices of bread and let them soak for anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes.

2) Slice the pear and put in a bowl. Add 2 tbsp honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon and toss to coat the pears.

3) Heat your pan to medium and add 2 tbsp of oil or butter. Once heated, place the slices of egg soaked bread and cook for about 3 minutes each side (until just lightly cooked). After flipping, drizzle some honey on the top side of each slice. Just before removing the slices from the pan, flip over again to glaze the honey (approx 30 seconds), drizzling honey on the second side while the first is glazing, and flip again.

4) While the french toast is cooking, add the pear to the pan, or place it on another stove top pan with the remaining butter or oil if there is not enough room. Cook, until tender, adding some water if it gets too dry (not if you are in the same pan as the toast). Place over your french toast once cooked, topping with more honey or maple syrup if desired. Walnuts (glazed, especailly) make a great topping, too!

This breakfast goes wonderfully with breakfast bangers and fruit slices. Enjoy your morning!

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