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Carli's Mashed Sweet Potatoes with a Pecan Brown Sugar Topping
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Carli is one of our social media and content creators here at SPUD. This is one of her family holiday classics. It’s sweet, creamy, and buttery, and the pecans add a nice crunch. It’s also easily veganizable. Simply replace the cream with dairy-free cream or milk, and choose vegan butter instead of dairy butter. Serve as a side with your other holiday dishes.
Prep Time Cooking Time Servings
6 people
  • 4 cups cooked, mashed sweet potatoes (1L)
  • 2 tbsp cream or milk (or non-dairy versions)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp paprika
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 1 cup chopped pecans

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1) Mix potatoes, cream, salt and paprika together until well-combined.
2) Spread in a greased casserole pan. (As a good #letsnotwaste tip, try using the remains of your butter wrappers to grease the pan!)
3) For the topping, heat brown sugar and butter over low heat. Stir constantly until butter is barely melted.
4) Spread topping over potatoes. Sprinkle with pecan halves.
5) Refrigerate until ready to eat. Once ready, heat in the oven of any temperature – it should be bubbling hot before serving.
6) Eat away!

Suitable for these diets:

Vegetarian Gluten Free Wheat Free Yeast Free

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